Environmental Saving Model in South Kalimantan in Children's Stories: Environmental Literacy from An Early Age
Abstract. The urgency of saving the environment is urgently carried out at this time when the environmental crisis hits the South Kalimantan region. Ecological disasters due to the unwise management of natural resources show the impact of human treatment on nature. Concern for nature needs to be increased from an early age to increase knowledge and behavior in preserving nature. One of the media in increasing concern for nature is through reading materials in the form of children's stories. Through children's stories, concern for the environment can be increased by language that is aesthetically pleasing and close to the child so that environmental values are easily internalized without seeming patronizing. The problem is how the model of environmental conservation in the South Kalimantan region in children's stories. This study aims to explore environmental saving models in the South Kalimantan region in children's stories to improve environmental literacy from an early age. The method used is qualitative with an ecocritic approach. Ecocritics are used to analyze data on children's stories related to environmental rescue models. The primary sources used in this study are two children's story books entitled Menyelusuri Tepian Pulau Kaget by Drs.M. Yusransyah and Aku, Pramuka, and Lingkungan Hidup by Hardiansyah Asmail. The secondary data used are books, journals, and other references related to the research. The results showed that the environmental saving model seen in children's stories in South Kalimantan, among others, carried out bekantan conservation, protection of endemic animals in South Kalimantan; fostering biodiversity; and managing nature wisely. This research is expected to contribute to real practices of saving the environment, especially in Kalimantan Selatan.