English Language Education Students' Difficulties in Using Inverted Word Order: Inversion

  • Siti Alya Rosyfa Lambung Mangkurat University
  • Emma Rosana Febriyanti Lambung Mangkurat University
  • Elsa Rosalina Lambung Mangkurat University


This research discusses the difficulties of English language education students of FKIP ULM in using inverted word order and identifies the factors that mostly cause their difficulties. Inverted word order is one of grammar aspects that has certain area of difficulties since they consist of different types and seldom are used by the students. Thus, students should notice and more aware when using inverted word order in their production. This is descriptive qualitative research where the subjects of this research were English Language Education Study Program batch 2018, in a total of 90 students. Test and open-ended questionnaire were used as instruments of the research. The test is used to find students’ comprehension through 9 types of inverted word order. Furthermore, the questionnaire used to obtain data about their difficulties and factors that mostly causing students’ difficulties in using inverted word order. The finding of this research showed that there are still many difficulties faced by students in using inverted word order especially in three types of inverted word order, namely tense, types of inversion, and in identifying the subject and verb. The finding also showed that there are 3 factors that mostly causing students’ difficulties; students’ background, teaching technique, and students’ environment. It is suggested for the students to be more pay attention when the lecturers give explanation. It is also suggested for the lecturers to use variety of teaching media and activities. Therefore, the students can be curious and feel more interested in learning inverted word order.

How to Cite
Siti Alya Rosyfa, Emma Rosana Febriyanti, & Elsa Rosalina. (2022). English Language Education Students’ Difficulties in Using Inverted Word Order: Inversion. Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan -- Edisi Khusus ISETA, 231-240. https://doi.org/10.33654/iseta.v1i0.1700
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