Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan -- Edisi Khusus ISETA 2022-09-10T22:53:45+00:00 ISETA [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>ISETA</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>International Seminar on Education, Technology and Arts)</strong> is an annual agenda organized by STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. It is a forum for experts, researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students to disseminate ideas and research results in education and learning, technology, and arts.</p> Tailoring Education for the Future of Work Post Covid-19 2022-09-10T15:29:13+00:00 ISETA Committee [email protected] <center> <p><strong>1<sup>st</sup> International Seminar on Education, Technology and Arts</strong>.</p> <p>Theme: <strong>Tailoring Education for the Future of Work Post Covid-19</strong></p> <iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></center><center></center> 2022-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 International Seminar on Education, Technology, and Art Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru 2022-09-10T15:29:05+00:00 Dina Huriaty [email protected] Zefani Esterani [email protected] Muhammad Saufi [email protected] <p>This study aimed to describe the role of the headmaster and describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in increasing teachers’ professionalism at Elementary School. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were the school headmaster and two teachers of Elementary School in Banjarmasin. Data collection were documentation, observation, and interviews. Data analyses were carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Validation of data was tested by using source triangulation. The results of this research show that the role of the headmaster in increasing teachers’ professionalism is as follows. (1) The headmaster carries out his role following his responsibilities as an educator, manager, supervisor, leader, innovator, and motivator to increase teachers’ professionalism but has not run optimally. (2) Supporting factors are competence teachers, a representative school environment, learning infrastructure availability, and teachers participating in activities to support their abilities as educators. (3) The inhibiting factors are the lack of teachers' understanding of technology and the lack of socialization on regulation and policies in the school environment</p> 2022-08-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Authors Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Perangkat Keras Komputer (Hardware) Berbasis Augmented Reality 2022-09-10T15:29:09+00:00 Muhammad Hidayat [email protected] Ryan Primantara [email protected] Subandi Subandi [email protected] <p class="Abstact"><span lang="EN-GB">The existence of technology, especially smartphones that are growing, must be addressed wisely. The benefits of this technology must continue to be explored for a better human life. The phenomenon of the high number of smartphone users is a challenge and opportunity in education. The challenge is abuse for negative things. Besides being a challenge, smartphones also bring great opportunities to develop technology that is useful in education. One of the benefits that can be taken from the existence of this technology is to use it as an effective, creative and educational learning medium. So that educational application media can continue to be developed, one of which is augmented reality (AR) technology. So, we need a media that is able to provide an understanding of computer hardware (hardware) and can increase student interest in learning. Based on these problems, the researcher aims to create and determine the feasibility of augmented reality-based learning media using Unity on ICT subjects as the subject of computer hardware (hardware). This research uses research and development methods. The results showed that the ICT learning media was the subject of augmented reality-based computer hardware and went through 5 stages of development, namely: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation. The average feasibility level of the score based on the assessment is: (1) Media expert 4.11 (Very Eligible), (2) Material expert 4.53 (Very Eligible), (3) Testing on students 4,472 (Very Eligible). The results of the feasibility assessment concluded that the ICT learning media on the subject of computer hardware (hardware) based on augmented reality "Very Appropriate" is used as an ICT learning medium on the subject of computer hardware (hardware).</span></p> 2022-08-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The Analysis of Students’ Learning Style in Learning English of English Language Education Study Program STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin 2022-09-10T15:29:01+00:00 Norliani Norliani [email protected] <p>This study focused on the students’ learning style. The aim of this research is to find out the types of learning style which students have. The population in this study was the students of English Language Education Study Program, and the sample was the second semester at STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin, which amounted to 20 students. This research was qualitative descriptive research. In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaires. The questionnaires in this research were used to determine what learning styles were dominated by students in the learning process. The data collected from questionnaire was analysed by description and the students learning style results was calculated into number to find out students learning style. The data in the analysis used the formula P = f&nbsp; /&nbsp; n x100%&nbsp; (Arikunto, 2002, p. 23). The result of the research showed, from 20 students, there are 8 students (40%) categorized as visual learners, and the same data showed that there were 8 students (40%) students were categorized as auditory learners, and 4 (20%) students were categorized as kinesthetic</p> 2022-08-24T13:18:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Using Online Media during Online Learning Process of English Language Education Study Program 2022-09-10T21:30:43+00:00 Lianada Rizky [email protected] Hidya Maulida [email protected] Yasyir Fahmi Mubaraq [email protected] <p>Today, education has changed into a technological system. The face-to-face classes have to be changed to online classes because of the pandemic. It forces the students to increase their ability to use technology to support their online courses. Moreover, the students must have an internet connection to make the online class running well. Furthermore, online learning is necessary for the teacher or learners to make the course running as long as they feel comfortable and enjoys the session through video conference or share the file and assignment.</p> <p>This study was conducted to analyse the difficulties faced by the students in using online media during online learning process. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. Moreover, the data was obtained through questionnaire and interview. The sample of this study was 24 seventh semester English Language Education Study Program students of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin.</p> <p>The results of this study indicated that there were three main difficulties faced by the students during online learning process. The difficulties were experiencing technical glitch such as unstable internet connection and the use of internet quota; difficulty in understanding the materials; and difficulty in interacting and communicating with the lecturers and classmates.</p> 2022-08-24T13:50:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Analisis Kesulitan Pemahaman Menulis Cerita Dongeng Pada Pembelajaran E-Learning Bahasa Indonesia Menggunakan Media Zoom Meeting Di Kelas II SD IT Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya 2022-09-10T15:28:55+00:00 Rini Rini [email protected] <p>The purpose of this research was to determine the difficulty of understanding student fairy-tale stories during long distance learning using zoom meetings. The method used to do this research is a qualitative method with descriptive type. As for data collection techniques is observation, and interviews. Analysis of research data uses stages consisting of data reduction, display, data collection and verification. Based on the research discovery, it can be concluded, namely (1) there are some students who do not understand the material to write fairy tales. so students are still not able to write fairy tales well (2) found several factors The causes include the lack of student learning interest due to the learning process online, the teacher in delivering the material is still not optimal due to the constraints of signals, school facilities and infrastructure that are inadequate, especially for long-distance learning activities (e-learning).</p> 2022-08-24T13:56:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA The Analogy of Magnet Rules to Practice Main Verbs and Helping Verbs in English Sentence Predicate 2022-09-10T15:28:52+00:00 Nana Suciati [email protected] Tri Winindyasari Palupi [email protected] <p>The rule of magnet is the basic condition of every magnet. It has north and south poles.&nbsp; When the north pole of one magnet is closed to the south pole of another magnet, they will pull each other. On the opposite, when north pole is closed to north pole, or south pole is closed to south pole, they will repel each other. These basic rules of magnet can be applied to help students to understand developing English sentence predicate, especially when the sentences are the result of translation from Bahasa Indonesia. The translation result is sometimes not accepted grammatically. It seems that our students still making mistakes when it comes to use helping verbs and main verbs in their sentences.&nbsp; This study is to propose the option of using magnet rules as a teaching trick to help students making sentences in English grammatically by using analogy of magnet rules for main verbs and helping verbs in English.</p> 2022-08-24T14:03:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Pengembangan Literasi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa 2022-09-10T15:28:49+00:00 Alimuddin Alimuddin [email protected] <p>Literacy and language are two interrelated components. On this basis, language learning can be used as a medium in literacy development at schools, especially in reading and writing skills. Thus, to improve students' literacy performance, literacy-based language learning strategies need to be adopted including 1) building a literacy culture, 2) encouraging School Literacy Movement (GLS), and 3) choosing/implementing the appropriate approach/method. The strategy is a response to a number of findings that become challenges, as well as complex problems related to Indonesia's low student literacy, which ranks 62nd out of 70 countries (PISA, 2019).</p> 2022-08-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Auhtors Analisis Buku Teks Pendidikan Agama Islam Kelas 3 SD 2022-09-10T21:35:36+00:00 Winda Juliani NG [email protected] Sa'adah Erliani [email protected] Erni Susilawati [email protected] Hj. Jumainah Hj. Jumainah [email protected] <p class="Abstact"><span lang="EN-GB">Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang analisis buku pendidikan Agama Islam kelas 3 SD. Guru hanya menggunakan buku sebagai sumber utama dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan peneltian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan tentang kemenarikan isi buku dalam analisis buku ajar Agama Islam kelas 3 Sekolah dasar yang disusun oleh Achmad Hasim dan M. Khalid Fathoni, (2) mendeskripsikan tentang kekurangan yang ada di dalam Analisis buku Agama Islam kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar yang disusun oleh Achmad Hasim dan M. Khalid Fathoni. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kepustakaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mentode analisis isi atau dokumen (content of document analysis). Sumber data dalam penelitian adalah buku Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti Kelas 3 SD. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah menggunakan teknik pustaka, baca, dan catat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan kemenarikan dan kekurangan dari buku Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti kelas 3 SD. Data yang ditemukan dalam sumber bentuk kemenarikan buku berjumlah 9 judul dan kekurangan berjumlah 3 judul.</span></p> 2022-08-30T21:39:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence with Student’s Biology Learning Outcomes in SMPN 5 Banjarbaru During The Covid-19 Pandemic 2022-09-10T21:36:48+00:00 Minarti Minarti [email protected] Siti Ramdiah [email protected] Rabiatul Adawiyah [email protected] <p>Biology learning activities are mostly carried out in practicum, so that students can understand correctly the concepts presented. This is different when the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the world without preparing Indonesia. This condition has an impact on all aspects of life, including the teaching and learning process of biology. The low learning outcomes carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic are thought to be because students tend to be easily discouraged and lazy to understand the concepts applied in learning boldly. This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and student biology learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 5 Banjarbaru, during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This quantitative research uses a non-probability technique, namely a saturated sample or often called total sampling. The research sample was 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Banjarbaru, totalling 30 students. The data collection used in this research is using a personal questionnaire. Simple regression analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and learning outcomes of biology students at SMP Negeri 5 Banjarbaru, as evidenced by the regression results Y = 48.724 + 0.655 X which is positive in the constant results. The results of the t-test for the emotional intelligence variable (X) which has, 13.047 &gt; 2.052 with a significant 0.000 &lt;0.05, then H0 is rejected, so it can be interpreted that la sis can be interpreted as being in SMP Negeri 5 Banjarbaru. The effect of independent variables on variables indicated by the coefficient of determination (Rsquare) is 0.699 or 69.9%. So, it can be concluded that the fluctuation of the affected variable (Y) is influenced by the independent variable (X) of 69.9%, while the remaining 30.1% is influenced by other variables outside this study</p> 2022-08-30T22:02:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Kearifan Lokal dalam Kumpulan Puisi Banjar sebagai Media Pembelajaran pada Sekolah Menengah 2022-09-10T15:27:51+00:00 Ida Komalasari [email protected] Ida Rusdiana [email protected] Eva Nor Halisa [email protected] <p>Local wisdom is a system of values ​​and norms that are compiled, adhered to, understood, and applied by local communities based on their understanding and experience in interacting with the environment. Local wisdom is very important to be learnt because it functions as 1) conservation of natural resources, 2) human resource development 3) cultural development 4) development and science 5) ethics and morals, and so on. This research is focused on 1) the form of local wisdom found in Banjar poetry collection and 2) how to apply local wisdom in Banjar poetry collection as a medium of learning in secondary schools. The method of the research is descriptive analysis. The data sources of this research are 1) a collection of Banjar poetry and 2) teachers and students of Madrasah Aliyah Muhamadiyah 1 Banjarmasin. Data collection techniques used in this research are text observations, field observations, interviews and questionnaires. The results of the research are 1) the local wisdom found in Banjar poetry collection are in the form of beliefs, customary laws, and norms. It was found that local community’s belief of their ancestors in Meratus forest is still strong. The people believe that Meratus has its own “guard” called <em>Panglima Burung</em>, he is accompanied by traditional music called <em>kuriding</em>. The local community also believe in <em>Panglima Angsa</em> for their guidance in life, the people often ask for his wisdom. The local community's customary law found in Banjar poetry collection is the presence of ancestral sabers called <em>mandau</em> that are flown in when the community wants to cut tyranny for the loss of their homes in Meratus forest. The norm is in the form of an appeal to preserve nature which is called <em>Bawanang</em>. <em>Bawanang</em> is seen as an ancestor who is able to overcome all environmental damage by using supernatural powers. The community also believe that <em>Bawanang</em> is capable to drive away greedy people who damage the environment and 2) Learning local wisdom through Banjar poetry collection can be done by a) asking students to analyse the atmosphere, theme, and meanings of local wisdom found in Banjar poetry collection and b) asking students to demonstrate local wisdom found in Banjar poetry collection by applying the norms that exist in the poetry to their daily life activities as the norms are considered to be some messages from the ancestors to maintain preservation of nature.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2022-08-30T22:10:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Sikap Kepedulian Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin terhadap Pelestarian Alam 2022-09-10T15:27:48+00:00 Syahbudin Syahbudin [email protected] <p>Ecological damage in South Kalimantan has increased. The impact of this ecological damage can be seen clearly from the phenomenon of floods that have almost occurred in all areas of South Kalimantan in the last 2 years. Many ways are recommended by environmental experts to reduce environmental damage. This research is a description of the actions that have been taken by students of Biology Education STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin related to environmental conservation attitudes. To find out how the attitudes or actions that have been taken by Biology students related to environmental conservation, a questionnaire will be given to a number of students. The questionnaire distributed was in the form of a structured questionnaire containing 5 questions related to the attitude of nature conservation. The results of the questionnaire will be analyzed descriptively quantitatively.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2022-08-30T22:21:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Reactualization of Education Post-Covid 19 Pandemics: Responding to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on Education in Indonesia 2022-09-10T15:28:43+00:00 Rahmatiah Rahmatiah [email protected] <p>The Covid-19 pandemic presents its challenges to the world of education. There is a distance learning in the last two years. It\ was accompanied by the emergence of a new trend of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In addition, education in Indonesia has not fully enlightened the public on its value and benefits. This condition is proven by the complexity of educational problems, mainly from the low quality of graduates and the low relevance of education to the world of work. Officials and political parties often politicize education. How can education respond to the industrial revolution 4.0, which brings significant changes that impact learning and teaching governance? For this reason, there is a need for the Re-actualization of National Education.</p> 2022-08-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Students’ Motivation in Offline Learning Post Covid-19 2022-09-10T21:38:06+00:00 Akhmad Syakir [email protected] Rizki Nurwahyuni [email protected] <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The return of the education system to face-to-face learning had an impact on students' learning habits. This study aimed to perceive the students’ intrinsic motivation in offline learning post-COVID-19. It focused on instrumental motivation. The subjects of this study included 25 new students from Canada's group of Intensive English Classes at the University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin toward their offline learning post-Covid-19. Observations and questionnaires were used to analyze the data in a descriptive qualitative manner. The mean score of the students' intrinsic motivation was discovered to 71,3. It means that the students in the Intensive English Class have an intermediate intrinsic motivation for learning English.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Students’ motivation, intrinsic, offline learning.</p> 2022-08-30T22:44:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Developing of Garuda Pancasila Animation Video’s on Online Learning 2022-09-10T21:42:03+00:00 Rahidatul Laila Agustina [email protected] Hajjah Rafiah [email protected] Johan Arifin [email protected] Widya Amalia Humairah [email protected] <p>In online learning, teachers sometimes did not use interesting learning media and were able to motivate students. In addition, teachers often only give assignments without explaining the material, while many lower grade students, especially grade III still did not know the meaning of Garuda Pancasila in the content of Civic Education learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to describe the process of making learning media in the form of animated videos of Garuda Pancasila, to describe the feasibility of learning media of animated videos of Garuda Pancasila, and to describe the responses of teachers and students to the learning media of animated videos of Garuda Pancasila. This type of research was Research and Development (RnD) with ADDIE model steps. The subjects in the study were material experts, media experts, teachers and third grade elementary school students. The trial was only carried out with small group trials because learning was carried out online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The results showed that (1) the process of making product development went through 5 stages with the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, (2) the feasibility of the Garuda Pancasila animated video&nbsp; sourced from the assessment of material experts and media experts obtained a score of 93% with a very decent category, (3) the Garuda Pancasila animation video based on the teacher's response got a score of 83% in the very positive category and based on the responses from the students it got a score of 89% in the very positive category.</p> 2022-08-30T22:52:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Acceptance Analysis of School DAPODIK Information System Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 2022-09-10T21:44:20+00:00 Kenti Yuliana [email protected] Akhmad Syarwani [email protected] Helda [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study was to determine user acceptance of the Basic Education Data system (DAPODIK) with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) &nbsp;based on five constructs. The five constructs are Perceived Usefulness, Perceived &nbsp;Ease Of Use, Attitude Towards Behavior, Behavioral Intention, and Actual Technology Use. This study will analyze the relationship between constructs that affect the acceptance and use of DAPODIK in Elementary School District Binuang.</p> <p>The type of research used in this research is explanatory research with data analysis techniques using the SEM-PLS approach, analyzed using SmartPLS 3.0 software . There are 62 samples of respondents from teachers at the District Binuang &nbsp;Elementary School in Indonesia.</p> <p>The conclusion of this study is that of the seven hypotheses proposed, there are six accepted hypotheses and one rejected hypothesis, namely: Perceived Ease Of Use affects Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use has an effect on Attitude Towards Behavior, Perceived Usefulness has an effect on Attitude Towards Behavior, Perceived Usefulness has no effect on Behavioral Intention, Perceived Usefulness has an effect on Actual Technology Use, Attitude Towards Behavior has an effect on Behavioral Intention, and Behavioral Intention has an effect on Actual Technology Use.</p> 2022-08-30T23:08:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Student’s Perception Toward E-Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic of English Department of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin Academic Year 2020/2021 2022-09-10T21:45:35+00:00 Beatrix Ega Tri Julisia [email protected] I Made Darmayasa Wilantara [email protected] <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong>. Currently the condition of the world including Indonesia is facing the Corona Virus 19 pandemic that has hit the world since the beginning of 2020 causing a tremendous impact in all aspects of human life including from the education sector where learning is done through online or e-learning. In its implementation, online learning faces several obstacles which need to be considered and considered to pay attention to models, strategies, learning outcomes, the availability of facilities that support learning for both students and lecturers. This is the basis for research on student perceptions of the English language education study program STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of students of English education study program STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin towards online learning applied at STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin.This type of research is a qualitative descriptive by focusing on survey to know the student’s perception on the effect of online learning during covid-19 and describes students' perceptions of online learning or e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in the English Department of STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin academic year 2020/2021.&nbsp;Research data obtained from a questionnaire contains students' perceptions of online lectures which are divided into several indicators, namely accessibility, device ownership, ease of obtaining materials and doing assignments, understanding of teaching materials, learning methods, interactivity, independent learning and the environment. The results of the questionnaire were re-confirmed through interviews with several students and lecturers. The results of this study indicate that 71% of students agree with online lectures conducted by STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin and 29% of students do not agree with online lectures conducted by STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. Students agree with the online learning system at SKIP PGRI Banjarmasin based on accessibility indicators (33%), device ownership (38%), monitoring ability (76%), ease of obtaining materials and doing assignments (67%), understanding of teaching materials (52%) , teaching methods (86%), interactivity (86%), independent learning (67%), environmental support (76%). In its implementation there are several obstacles, especially in terms of accessibility and ownership of the device which often has problems with internet access both in terms of quantity and quality.</p> 2022-08-30T23:15:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Nilai-nilai Karakter pada Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Anak Banua 2022-09-10T15:27:28+00:00 Novia Winda [email protected] Noor Indah Wulandari [email protected] Dina Fitria [email protected] <p>Setiap karya sastra mengandung nilai-nilai yang bersumber dari agama, tradisi, budaya, dan kebangsaan. Karya sastra berkaitan erat dengan pendidikan karakter. Karya sastra merupakan sarana yang efektif untuk memberikan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter. Dalam hal ini penelitian anak meneliti karya sastra dalam kumpulan cerpen. Tujuan Penelitian berupa: (1) mendeskripsikan karakter religius yang terkandung dalam kumpulan <em>Cerita Anak Banua</em>, (2) mendeskripsikan karakter nasionalis yang terkandung dalam kumpulan <em>Cerita Anak Banua</em>, (3) mendeskripsikan karakter integritas yang terkandung dalam kumpulan <em>Cerita Anak Banua</em>. (4) mendeskripsikan karakter mandiri yang terkandung dalam kumpulan <em>Cerita Anak Banua</em>, dan (5) mendeskripsikan karakter gotong royong yang terkandung dalam kumpulan <em>Cerita Anak Banua</em>.&nbsp; Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah penndekatan sosiologis dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis isi dengan sumber data berupa kumpulan Cerita Anak Banua. Diterbitkan oleh Zahra Publisher Grub, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, pada tahun 2020. Adapun cerita yang diambil peneliti berjumlah 12 judul cerita. Peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data pustaka, baca, dan teknik catat. Teknik deskriptif analisis merupakan Teknik analisis data yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa: (1) Karakter Religius berjumlah 16 kutipan, yang terdapat dalam 5 cerita sebagai berikut: (a) <em>Oleh-oleh Acil</em>, (b) <em>Bedak Dingin Laila</em>, (c) <em>Julak Kaning dan Sarakap Ajaib</em>, (d) <em>Udin Si Monyet dan Jamal Si Bekantan</em>, dan (e) <em>Kelekai Ajaib</em>. (2) Karakter Nasionalis berjumlah 5 kutipan, yang terdapat dalam 3 cerita antara lain: (a) <em>Julak Kaning dan Sarakap Ajaib</em>, (b) S<em>unatan</em>, dan (c) <em>Unta Kertas</em>. (3) Karakter Integritas berjumlah 20 kutipan, yang terdapat dalam 9 cerita sebagai berikut: (a) <em>Mandai Untuk Dayu</em>, (b) <em>Oleh-oleh Acil</em>, (c) <em>Bedak Dingin Laila</em>, (d) <em>Julak Kaning dan Sarakap Ajaib</em>, (e) <em>Raja Bakung dan Putri Salsa</em>, (f) <em>Cici dan Hujan</em>, (g) <em>Unta Kertas</em>, (h) <em>Lempeng Pisang</em>, dan (i) <em>Kelekai Ajaib</em>. (4) Karakter Mandiri berjumlah 6 kutipan, yang terdapat dalam 5 cerita yaitu: (a) <em>Mandai Untuk Dayu</em>, (b) <em>Oleh-oleh Acil</em>, (c) <em>Bedak Dingin Laila</em>, (d) <em>Raja Bakung dan Putri Salsa</em>, dan (e) <em>Si Ringsang</em>. (5) Karakter Gotong Royong berjumlah 53 kutipan, yang terdapat dalam 12 cerita sebagai berikut: (a) <em>Mandai Untuk Dayu</em>, (b) <em>Oleh-oleh Acil</em>, (c) <em>Bedak Dingin Laila</em>, (d) <em>Julak Kaning dan Sarakap Ajaib</em>, (e) <em>Sunatan</em>, (f) <em>Udin Si Monyet dan Jamal Si Bekantan</em>, (g) <em>Raja Bakung dan Putri Salsa</em>, (h) <em>Si Ringsang</em>, (i) <em>Cici dan Hujan</em>, (j) <em>Unta Kertas</em>, (k) <em>Lempeng Pisang</em>, dan (l) <em>Kelekai Ajaib</em>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Kata Kunci: nilai karakter, cerita anak</p> 2022-08-30T23:23:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Psikoanalisis Kepribadian Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Allya Karya Ana Yuliana 2022-09-10T15:27:25+00:00 Irni Cahyani [email protected] Muhammad Riyadie [email protected] <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) tipe kepribadian menurut teori Gerard Heymans pada tokoh utama dalam novel <em>Allya </em>karya Ana Yuliana, (2) faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi kepribadian tokoh utama dalam novel <em>Allya </em>karya Ana Yuliana.</p> <p>Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah novel yang berjudul <em>Allya </em>karya Ana Yuliana sebagai objek penelitian. Novel ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit CV. RinMedia (LovRinz Publishing), cetakan pertama tahun 2019 dengan ketebalan buku sebanyak 355 halaman, serta buku-buku pustaka lainnya yang ada hubungannya dengan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik pustaka, simak dan catat, yaitu data diperoleh dalam bentuk tulisan, yang harus dibaca, disimak, hal-hal yang penting dicatat, kemudian juga menyimpulkan dan mempelajari sumber tulisan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan teori dan acuan dalam hubungan dengan objek yang akan diteliti. Menggunakan data-data yang telah diperoleh melalui novel <em>Allya </em>Karya Ana Yuliana. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik pembacaan semiotika yakni pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Pembacaan heuristik merupakan cara kerja yang dilakukan oleh pembaca dengan menginterpretasikan teks sastra secara referensial lewat tanda-tanda linguistik. Pembacaan heuristik juga dapat dilakukan secara struktural.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian diuraikan sebagai berikut: (1) Tipe kepribadian menurut teori Gerard Heymans pada tokoh utama dalam novel <em>Allya </em>karya Ana Yuliana mendeskripsikan kepribadian tokoh dalam menjalani kehidupannya. Bentuk tipe kepribadian menurut teori Gerard Heymans adalah: a) <em>Gapasioneerden </em>(orang hebat) yaitu tipe manusia yang memiliki rasa kekeluargaan yang kuat dan suka menolong, b) <em>Cholerici </em>(orang garang) adalah tipe manusia yang rajin bekerja, periang dan pemberani,</p> <ol> <li>c) <em>Sentimentil </em>(orang perayu) adalah tipe manusia yang menyukai kehidupan alam dan menjauhkan diri dari kebisingan dan keramaian, <em>Flegmatici </em>(orang tenang) adalah tipe manusia yang tenang, sabar, tekun bekerja, tidak lekas putus dan, berbicara singkat tetapi Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepribadian tokoh utama dalan novel <em>Allya </em>karya Ana Yuliana mendeskripsikan tokoh utama dalam menjalani kehidupannya. Faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi kepribadian tokoh utama, yaitu: a) pengalaman awal yaitu faktor yang paling penting dalam perkembangan kepribadian, b) pengaruh budaya yaitu faktor tekanan untuk mengembangkan pola kepribadian yang sesuai standar yang ditentukan budayanya, c) kondisi fisik, berpengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap kepribadian seseorang, d) daya tarik, Orang yang dinilai oleh lingkungannya menarik, biasanya memiliki lebih banyak karakteristik kepribadian yang diinginkan dari pada orang yang dinilai kurang menarik, e) intelegensi yaitu perhatian lebih terhadap anak yang pandai dapat menjadikan ia sombong, dan anak yang kurang pandai merasa bodoh, emosi, dan nama.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Kata Kunci: <em>psikoanalisis, kepribadian, tokoh utama, novel</em></p> 2022-08-30T23:27:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Investigating Media Usage of Pre-Service Teachers during Microteaching Practices in TEYL Class 2022-09-10T21:50:56+00:00 Hj. Jumainah Hj. Jumainah [email protected] Wulida Makhtuna [email protected] <p>This study was carried out to investigate how Elementary School pre-service teachers used instructional media in TEYL class. The investigation was conducted to reveal perspectives of both lecturer and pre-service teachers related to challenges in using instructional media for microteaching practices. The challenges were discussed in the light of pedagogical aspects and non-pedagogical ones. The method of this research was a case study as this research was particularly targeted for the TEYL class of Elementary Teachers Education Program at STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. The data were obtained through observations and interviews. The results of this study suggested that based on the lecturer's perspective, there were five challenges related to the use of Media in TEYL microteaching practices. These challenges were (1) the lack of understanding regarding the importance of media, (2) low English proficiency, (3) low creativity, (4) low motivation, and (5) limited time allotment. Furthermore, based on pre-service teachers' perspective, four issues related to the usage of media were found. These issues were (1) low English proficiency, (2) high cost in developing media, (3) burden from other subjects, and (4) confidence issues.</p> 2022-08-30T23:44:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Enhancing Self-Regulation through the Growth Mindset Stimulation 2022-09-10T21:55:02+00:00 Kristina Widyastuti [email protected] Gunarhadi [email protected] Djono [email protected] <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Self-regulation is highly needed during pandemics learning. It supports students with appropriate actions, thoughts, and feelings in learning. Embedding self-regulation in the class will anticipate the learning loss. The objective of this research is to enhance self-regulation through growth mindset stimulation specifically through the implementation of an e-module. This research is applying a research &amp; development method. The research was conducted with samples of 126 students from the 7<sup>th</sup> grade of junior high school. Students mindset were measured with mindset check up (Brainology), while student’s self-regulation was identified based on the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) test. The result of the study shows that the stimulation given from the growth mindset is effective to enhance self-regulation. Students’ attitude toward their learning is improving due to the growth mindset stimulation.</p> 2022-08-31T00:34:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA The Teachers' Challenges on Teaching English Subject at MTsN 4 Tanah Laut during The Pandemic Era of Covid-19 2022-09-10T21:58:38+00:00 Nesia Alvida [email protected] Cayandrawati Sutiono [email protected] Novita Triana [email protected] <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> This pandemic has changed several aspects of human life, such as economics, society, politics, and education, throughout the world. At the same time, most of the teaching and learning processes have to be conducted from home because offline interactions between students and teachers are limited. Instead, the teaching and learning processes have to be conducted mostly through online learning. This study tried to investigate the challenges faced by the teacher of MTsN 4 Tanah Laut in teaching English. The subject of this research was one English teacher who was actively teaching online at MTsN 4 Tanah Laut. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. The data were gathered from observations and interview. The findings showed that there were five challenges faced by the English teacher in teaching English, namely managing all online classes, limited media in teaching speaking skills in online classes, limited media in teaching listening skills in online classes, limited internet access, and learning media, and students who were not active in class. However, the teacher also gave solutions for each challenge mentioned before, namely, the teacher remains active and continued her class, the teacher suggested for the students to change the provider used by the student because the area where students live is known as a place that is difficult to get internet access, and for making students active in the online class, the teacher asks in Indonesian the same question (previously using English) so that students could be brave in answering the teacher's questions. This study is expected to be useful for English teachers to improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning English during online learning. Based on the findings, it is suggested to schools to maximize the supporting infrastructure and facilities and arrange an effective teaching schedule so that learning will run well and optimally.</p> 2022-08-31T00:42:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Problematika Pemanfaatan Google Classroom Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas Rendah Saat Masa Pandemi Covid-19 2022-09-10T22:02:56+00:00 Aulia Fajar Khasanah [email protected] St.Y. Slamet [email protected] Rukayah [email protected] <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the problems in the use of Google Classroom as a low-grade thematic learning medium during the COVID-19 pandemic and solving solutions. The type of research used is using qualitative descriptive method and Case Study approach. Data collection techniques using observation methods, interviews and documentation. Utilizing Google Classroom as an interactive low-grade thematic Learning media based on e-learning can facilitate teachers and students in the teaching and learning process from home and support learning based on information and Communication Technology. But there is no doubt that there are obstacles in the use of Google Classroom as a low-grade thematic learning medium. The results of this study showed that the use of Google Classroom as a medium of low-grade thematic learning there are problems faced by teachers, students, and parents. The problem of students and parents is the delay of students in collecting tasks due to the busy work of parents, students feel difficulty understanding the material, enthusiastic to play games higher than online learning. The barriers of teachers are the length of making teaching materials that can be uploaded in Google Classroom to attract students so as not to get bored, can not control the entire online learning using Google Classroom, difficulty in implementing strategies in accordance with the conditions of the level of understanding of students. In general, the solution of problems that occur by means of collaboration and establish verbal exchanges between teachers, students and parents of students in understanding and delivering feedback on learning delivered by teachers.</p> 2022-08-31T00:46:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Online Learning Applications Used by English Language Education Study Program Students Batch 2017 on Teaching Practice 2020 2022-09-10T22:07:20+00:00 Muhammad Afief Ashshoflie [email protected] Yusuf Al Arief [email protected] Noor Eka Chandra [email protected] <p>This study aimed to find out which online learning apps ELESP batch 2017 students prefer to use during their online teaching practice in 2020, with the most common apps being ZOOM, Google Classroom, WhatsApp, and Telegram. The study used the Quantitative-Descriptive research method in the English Language Education Study Program at Lambung Mangkurat University. The total sample size for this study was 45 students, with 26 teaching senior high school and 18 teaching junior high school. The data was subsequently gathered by distributing Google Form-based questionnaires, followed by interviews to obtain additional in-depth and precise information. The findings revealed that Google Classroom, WhatsApp, ZOOM, and Telegram were utilized by ELESP students in the 2017 batch, with Google Classroom being the most preferred due to its comprehensive features that facilitate online learning. On the other hand, Telegram is a lesser-used app since it is not as effective as the others in controlling student activity, sorting grades, and completing practical assignments. Furthermore, students considered WhatsApp to be more identifiable than Telegram, but the two apps are equivalent in functionality because they are both chat-based. Finally, ZOOM is also beneficial, especially in student control, due to its meeting-based program and effectiveness in controlling students' activity. However, it is ineffective in presenting written assignments.</p> 2022-08-31T00:54:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA The Relationship Between Students' Anxiety in Learning English and Their English Achievement 2022-09-10T22:10:29+00:00 Santika Takasana [email protected] Virginia Sengkey [email protected] <p>This study was to figure out the correlation between students' anxiety in learning English and their English achievement. This study used a quantitative design that was descriptive and correlational. The instrument of this study was adapted from Park (2012), based on Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986), and the result of the English academic achievement was taken from the students' mid-semester grades in English class. This study was conducted on 41 students of grade XI in a private high school in North Sulawesi. The results showed that the students' anxiety in learning English was moderate (M=3.17), and their English academic achievement was categorized as failed (M=71.34). Finally, it was found that there was a significant correlation between students' anxiety in learning English and their English academic achievement as the result <em>p </em>= .00 &lt;0.05, <em>r</em>= .98. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers try to find more creative methods and strategies to support and help the students improve their English.</p> <p>Keywords<strong>: </strong>students, anxiety, learning English, English academic achievement</p> 2022-08-31T00:59:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Environmental Saving Model in South Kalimantan in Children's Stories: Environmental Literacy from An Early Age 2022-09-10T16:16:51+00:00 Derri Ris Riana [email protected] Syaifuddin [email protected] Binar Kurniasari [email protected] Dara Windiyarti [email protected] <p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The urgency of saving the environment is urgently carried out at this time when the environmental crisis hits the South Kalimantan region. Ecological disasters due to the unwise management of natural resources show the impact of human treatment on nature. Concern for nature needs to be increased from an early age to increase knowledge and behavior in preserving nature. One of the media in increasing concern for nature is through reading materials in the form of children's stories. Through children's stories, concern for the environment can be increased by language that is aesthetically pleasing and close to the child so that environmental values are easily internalized without seeming patronizing. The problem is how the &nbsp;model of environmental conservation in the South Kalimantan region in children's stories. This study aims to explore environmental saving models in the South Kalimantan region in children's stories to improve environmental literacy from an early age. The method used is qualitative with an ecocritic approach. Ecocritics are used to analyze data on children's stories related to environmental rescue models. &nbsp;The primary sources used in this study are two children's story books entitled <em>Menyelusuri Tepian Pulau Kaget</em> by Drs.M. Yusransyah and <em>Aku, Pramuka, and Lingkungan Hidup</em> by Hardiansyah Asmail. &nbsp;The secondary data used are books, journals, and other references related to the research. &nbsp;The results showed that the environmental saving model seen in children's stories in South Kalimantan, among others, carried out bekantan conservation, protection of endemic animals in &nbsp;South Kalimantan; fostering biodiversity; and managing nature wisely. This research is expected to contribute to real practices of saving the environment, especially in Kalimantan Selatan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2022-08-31T01:04:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Triggering Students' Critical Thinking Through Literary Analysis 2022-09-10T22:43:27+00:00 Rizka Norsy Ramadhana [email protected] Yusuf Al Arief [email protected] Eka Puteri Elyani [email protected] Fatchul Mu’in [email protected] <p>Through literary analysis, students can obtain critical thinking skills. Literature is a branch of art that undergoes a growth process in line with the passage of time and the development of people's minds. Having literature in the teaching and learning process can create a critical thinking process. Students will practice expressing opinions, concluding, explaining cause-and-effect relationships, comparing facts, and applying the ideas they have gained from literature to new situations. This research used descriptive quantitative. The sample of this study is students of the English Language Education Study Program batch 2018 that have taken literary analysis classes. The empirical data needed in this research are observation of implementation of literary analysis in the classroom and questioners of classroom reflection based on critical thinking indicators. The research findings showed that the implementation of literary analysis learning in the classroom through observation sheets has been going well. It found that students conduct 80% of the critical thinking skills indicators. In addition, analyzing literary works can trigger students to think critically to the level of HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) because students have entered stage 6 in the critical thinking sequence, namely "Creating," which results in an analysis paper.</p> 2022-08-31T01:10:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA English Language Education Students' Difficulties in Using Inverted Word Order: Inversion 2022-09-10T22:46:31+00:00 Siti Alya Rosyfa [email protected] Emma Rosana Febriyanti [email protected] Elsa Rosalina [email protected] <p>This research discusses the difficulties of English language education students of FKIP ULM in using inverted word order and identifies the factors that mostly cause their difficulties. Inverted word order is one of grammar aspects that has certain area of difficulties since they consist of different types and seldom are used by the students. Thus, students should notice and more aware when using inverted word order in their production. This is descriptive qualitative research where the subjects of this research were English Language Education Study Program batch 2018, in a total of 90 students. Test and open-ended questionnaire were used as instruments of the research. The test is used to find students’ comprehension through 9 types of inverted word order. Furthermore, the questionnaire used to obtain data about their difficulties and factors that mostly causing students’ difficulties in using inverted word order. The finding of this research showed that there are still many difficulties faced by students in using inverted word order especially in three types of inverted word order, namely tense, types of inversion, and in identifying the subject and verb. The finding also showed that there are 3 factors that mostly causing students’ difficulties; students’ background, teaching technique, and students’ environment. It is suggested for the students to be more pay attention when the lecturers give explanation. It is also suggested for the lecturers to use variety of teaching media and activities. Therefore, the students can be curious and feel more interested in learning inverted word order.</p> 2022-08-31T01:16:01+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Mantra Pengobatan Masyarakat Banjar di Desa Pulau Alalak Kabupaten Barito Kuala 2022-09-10T22:50:30+00:00 Akhmad Humaidi [email protected] Muhammad Alfarisi [email protected] Erni Susilawati [email protected] <p>Mantra dianggap sebagai puisi tertua di Indonesia karena diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi secara lisan dan pengarangnya tidak pernah diketahui. Ketika mengalami sakit, salah satu solusi penyembuhan yang digunakan masyarakat tradisional&nbsp; di masa lalu menggunakan mantra. Seiring perkembangan zaman, keberadaan mantra mulai punah karena kurangnya minat dalam mempertahankan kepercayaan terhadap mantra. Namun, Desa Pulau Alalak, Kecamatan Alalak, Kabupaten Barito Kuala merupakan satu daerah yang masyarakatnya masih banyak mempertahankan kepercayaan terhadap mantra-mantra tradisional. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kumpulan mantra masyarakat Banjar pengobatan di desa Pulau Alalak Kecamatan Alalak Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, perekaman dan pencatatan. Serta teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis.</p> <p>Berdasarkan pendekatan semiotik yang dikembangkan oleh Roland Barthes mantra dapat ditelaah melalui dua tingkat yaitu, denotasi, dan konotasi. Penelitian ini menemukan enam jenis mantra pengobatan, yaitu penyakit kulit, gangguan pencernaan, penyakit pada anak, penyakit gaib, penawar bisa, dan penawar jasmani. Pada tingkat konotasi mantra-mantra tersebut menunjukkan pandangan masyarakat Banjar di masa lalu mengenai kerajaan, hulu palawan, dan pucuk daun</p> 2022-08-31T01:20:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Menakar Urgensi Pengetahuan K3 bagi Calon Teknisi Pertambangan di Kalimantan Selatan 2022-09-10T15:26:47+00:00 Nailiya Nikmah [email protected] Akhmad Zaki Yamani [email protected] <p>South Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia with a natural environment that has promising mining potential. Working in a mining environment will make workers face to face with specific work situations and environments that have various potential hazards. A good company usually has a good occupational health and safety (K3) management system. The existence of supervision, work SOPs and habits related to K3 such as safety talk and other supporting matters are generally able to reduce the risk of work accidents and can anticipate potential hazards. However, unforeseen situations and emergencies can occur at any time. Mine workers may find themselves in situations where they cannot connect with anyone or have to make certain decisions and actions when an emergency occurs. This study assesses how important OHS knowledge is for prospective mining technicians in South Kalimantan. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and library studies.</p> <p><em>Keywords: K3, Mining Technician, Mine, South Kalimantan</em></p> 2022-08-31T01:26:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA The Use of Problem Based Learning-Based Electronic Student Worksheets (E-LKPD) as an Effort to Improve Elementary School Student Mathematical Literacy 2022-09-10T22:53:45+00:00 Dini Wahyu Mulyasari [email protected] Gunarhadi [email protected] Roemintoyo [email protected] <p>The rapid development of the 21st century must be followed by excellent human resources (HR) so that people can adapt and even contribute to this development. One of the essential skills in building the 21st century is mathematical literacy. Knowing the importance of mathematical literacy, the development of this competence in the learning process must also be maximized. The government has been emphasizing building excellent and competent generations according to the needs of the 21st century through the learning program policy. The integration of mathematical literacy into learning activities seems to have been implemented, although it is not optimally implemented yet. Communication, technology, and values are three important things that must be considered by educators in attempting to develop student literacy skills. The purpose of this study is to describe the importance of using Problem Based Learning (PBL)-based E-LKPD for learning so that in the implementation of this research, the study literature method will be used by collecting the reference sources relevant to the topic from various scientific researches. The results showed that PBL-based E-LKPD was considered capable to be one of the solutions in the attempt of developing students’ mathematical literacy, as well as in the literature aspect, this PBL-based E-LKPD is highly supportive to be applied to a wider learning scale.</p> 2022-08-31T01:32:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Analysis of Literacy Implementation in Class VI Elementary School 2022-09-10T15:25:27+00:00 Tri Yudha Setiawan [email protected] <p>Literacy program for students is very important to be implemented in schools. Reading activities need to be cultivated and accustomed to both at school and at home. The literacy program aims to increase interest in reading for students. Not only reading but understanding what he reads. Reading is an interpreting activity to obtain information based on the writing submitted by the author. This research was conducted in class VI SDS Jai Nalanda Jambi City. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. Data analysis in this study consisted of 3 stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. In this study, the researcher acted as an instrument. The results showed that the implementation of literacy in class VI consisted of three stages, namely the habituation stage, the development stage and the learning stage. The factors that influence the implementation of the literacy movement in class VI are divided into 2, namely internal factors and external factors. The internal factor is that students have a low reading interest. External factors are reading materials that are less varied, the influence of technology and family attention.</p> 2022-08-31T01:49:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ISETA Analysis Of Students' Critical Thinking Skills On The Material Of Flat Shapes In The Fifth Grade Of Tindoi State Elementary School 2022-09-10T15:28:01+00:00 La Ili [email protected] Yoo Eka Yana Kansil [email protected] Wa Ode Nur Esa [email protected] Cici Sarfian [email protected] <p>The ability to think critically is one of the abilities that must be mastered by students and has an important role in the mathematics learning process. Based on initial observations, it shows that the critical thinking skills of fifth graders at SD Negeri Tindoi are still low. This study aims to analyze students' critical thinking skills on the flat-shaped material. This research is a qualitative research. This study uses 4 indicators of critical thinking skills according to Robert Ennis, namely providing simple explanations, making further explanations, determining strategies and tactics, and concluding. The subjects in this study were 9 students of class V SD Negeri Tindoi, consisting of 3 male students and 6 female students. Data collection was carried out by written tests, interviews, and document studies. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The technique of checking the validity of the data is using the triangulation technique. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the critical thinking skills of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Tindoi belonged to the low category. This can be seen by the number of students who have low critical thinking skills as many as 4 students, 2 students with sufficient critical thinking skills, and 3 students with very low critical thinking skills out of 9 students. The students' critical thinking ability on each indicator in solving the problem of flat shape material shows different results in each category of critical thinking ability, namely: 1) Students with sufficient critical thinking ability have been able to meet three indicators of critical thinking ability, namely the indicator provides an explanation. simple, determine strategies and tactics and conclude. 2) Students with sufficient critical thinking skills have been able to meet two indicators of critical thinking skills, namely indicators of providing simple explanations, determining strategies and tactics, and 3) Students with very low critical thinking skills are only able to meet one indicator of critical thinking skills, namely indicators provide a simple explanation.</p> 2022-08-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Authors Analysis of Mathematics Problem-Solving Ability at Class V Students of SDN 7 Wadaga 2022-09-10T15:28:41+00:00 La Ili [email protected] Yoo Eka Yana Kansil [email protected] Nur Afifa [email protected] <p>The importance of problem solving skills is that students gain experience to find a way out of a problem. However, in fact the fourth grade students of SDN 7 Wadaga's problem-solving abilities have not shown maximum results and students tend to be faster in solving direct calculation questions than story questions. The purpose of this study was to determine the problem solving ability of students in understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of SDN 7 Wadaga with a total of 13 students. Data collection techniques in this study are tests, interviews, and document studies. The data analysis techniques used are credibility, transfermability, dependability, and confirmability. The conclusion in this study is the problem solving ability of students in understanding the problem of 81.4%, in devising a plan 94,86%, carrying out plans of 82.9%, and looking back 67%. This means that students can understand the problem, devising a plan, carry out the plans in the test well. Meanwhile, in looking back the answers and processes, it is quite low.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: problem solving ability, mathematics</p> <p>The importance of problem solving skills is that students gain experience to find a way out of a problem. However, in fact the fourth grade students of SDN 7 Wadaga's problem-solving abilities have not shown maximum results and students tend to be faster in solving direct calculation questions than story questions. The purpose of this study was to determine the problem solving ability of students in understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of SDN 7 Wadaga with a total of 13 students. Data collection techniques in this study are tests, interviews, and document studies. The data analysis techniques used are credibility, transfermability, dependability, and confirmability. The conclusion in this study is the problem solving ability of students in understanding the problem of 81.4%, in devising a plan 94,86%, carrying out plans of 82.9%, and looking back 67%. This means that students can understand the problem, devising a plan, carry out the plans in the test well. Meanwhile, in looking back the answers and processes, it is quite low.</p> 2022-08-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Authors