• Tri Winindyasari Palupi Palupi STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
  • Hidya Maulida Universitas PGRI Kalimantan
  • Ida Rusdiana Universitas PGRI Kalimantan
  • Norliani Norliani Universitas PGRI Kalimantan
  • Nana Suciati Universitas PGRI Kalimantan
  • Wulida Makhtuna Universitas PGRI Kalimantan
  • Jumainah Jumainah Universitas PGRI Kalimantan
Keywords: Pancasila Students, Pancasila Students Profile, Bermajelis, Local wisdom


Character education has a fundamental part in life, since intelligence without a good character cannot bring harmony and happiness. A character encompasses a person's characteristic attitudes and behaviors, and this affects interactions in various contexts. A crisis of character is emerging in society. Today, Indonesia faces moral and character challenges. This is triggered by the change of the modern era, the social environment, and the information on social media. The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture highlights the importance of character building in the Indonesian Education Roadmap 2020-2035, by focusing on the values of Pancasila. Profil Pelajar Pancasila includes faith, global diversity, mutual cooperation, creativity, critical reasoning, and independence. Indonesian local wisdom, such as Majelis Taklim, is an effective way to enhance the character of Pancasila students by integrating religious values, culture, and local wisdom. Majelis Taklim in South Kalimantan, especially the Banjar community, emphasizes cultural diversity and religious values, and this proves the positive role in building community character. This activity was organized by the lecturers of the University of PGRI Kalimantan and the local community. The participants for this activity consisted of parents, teenagers, and children in Kelurahan Pelambuan, Kecamatan Banjarmasin Barat, Jl. Sotoyo S Gang Serumpun. In conclusion, this activity can build a good character according to the Profil Pelajar Pancasila with local content (bermajelis). A good character is reflected in the way to foster and develop a respectful and harmonious relationship between humans and Allah SWT, between humans and others, and between humans and their environment, and become a community that is faithful to Allah SWT. 

How to Cite
Palupi, T. W. P., Maulida, H., Rusdiana, I., Norliani, N., Suciati, N., Makhtuna, W., & Jumainah, J. (2023). PENGUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER UNGGUL MELALUI KEGIATAN BERMAJELIS. Batuah: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 3(2), 92-99.
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